This app is so thoroughly thought out, so well designed, and so beautifully simple--yet packed with features its a wonder that it costs so little. For the price, this is easily one of the best deals in the App Store. The user interface is brilliant and intuitive, easy to use and visually appealing.
One of the biggest pluses with this app is the radio feature, allowing up to 8 of your favorite radio streams to be activated by a single touch. If the stream drops (as they often do) the app automatically reestablishes connection--a brilliant feature. Should your internet connection go down, the app will revert to preset alarm music so you will never be left asleep by a silent alarm--another brilliant feature. Last, but certainly not least, the interface is very dark and can be dimmed beyond that of the dimmest screen brightness setting on my iPad, making it the perfect companion in a very dark room. This is easily in my top three favorite apps and will continue to be a mainstay in my bedroom for the foreseeable future.